Havening for Practitioners
” Havening is an amazing technique to add to my professional toolbox”
Havening Changes Lives
Do you want to learn some new additional tools and techniques, to help your patients transform their lives?
Havening Techniques® are simple and easy to learn. I provide certified training to help practitioners learn this technique.
The techniques are a non-intrusive, natural therapy approach shown to help a wide range of conditions. Whether you are running a GP practice, or offering a treatment aligned with natural therapy practices, Havening is an ideal tool as it can be used as a stand-alone tool or integrated with your current skill set.
Why Learn Havening?
Havening is a very complimentary practice
For those practitioners who have a strong preference to more natural style of healing, Havening is a very complimentary practice
Improving aspects of patients life
One of the main benefits that many practitioners appreciate with including Havening with their practices is that it provides your clientss the opportunity to undertake a range of self-healing to improve aspects of their life.
Value added service
Once you have learnt Havening practices, this provides you with a further opportunity to offer this additional healing approach as a value added service, within your practice.
How Does Havening Work?
- Havening is based on neuroscience and is all about training the brain to respond differently.
- For some people their brain has become stuck in a pattern of high alert around certain circumstances. Some situations will trigger off, what can seem like, disproportional responses like angry outbursts or overwhelming sadness.
- With Havening, we help change this pattern by using Havening Touch to create healing delta waves. Delta waves are brain waves that are usually only recorded during deep sleep – the time when the body and mind restore balance and heals.
- During the session/s, Havening Touch is used to create the change. When Havening is used, a chemical and electrical reaction takes place moving the sensory triggers to a safer place – a haven. This technique switches off the brain’s ‘alarm’ button, which means the part of the brain that stores trauma no longer reacts
Training For Practitioners
As a certified Havening Techniques® Trainer, I provide the training and supervision to help you as a practitioner, learn these techniques.
Certification is a two-stage process.
Stage one is to attend my two-day training where you’ll learn the techniques.
Stage two is assessment which involves case studies, videos and a science review.
I will support you throughout to become certified.
Please Contact me if you would like to discussion training for Havening.

Conditions Havening
Can Help With
Havening has been around for a number of years and has shown to help with a wide range of conditions.
- Emotional trauma
- Psychological trauma
- Anxietyand fears
- Phobias and panic
- Shame, guilt and anger
- Chronic pain
- Emotional eating and cravings
- Managing stress
- Building resilience
- Achieving goals
- Increasing peak performance
- Increasing Wellness
- Visualising and creativity
Learn more
If you would like to read up more about Havening, please visit the Havening website, where there is more in-depth information and customer testimonials
Certified Havening Techniques Trainer and Practitioner, Frances Lamb, Havening New Zealand
+64 27 727 5577
Frances Lamb is a certified trainer and practitioner of Havening Techniques. Havening Techniques is a registered trade mark of Ronald Ruden, 15 East 91st Street, New York. www.havening.org
Created By : Grow My Business © 2020 Frances Lamb, Havening New Zealand all rights reserved